Space Weather

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Interactive Data Analysis (IDA)

The analysis of data measurement is the most important stage of the near-Earth space investigation. The study of various processes in the Sun, in the solar wind and Earth's magnetosphere requires different data for different periods time. Data sets often overlap, sometimes it's difficult to determine what data is required for the current scientific research. The service presented at this page allows the researcher to select the necessary data for his analysis, to preview it in graphical representation for subsequent calls to the database online space monitoring.

Hourly data

Here you can find an averaged hourly data, obtained on several satellites. To get started quickly and make the most of the service offered, read the tips.


Year interval (from 01.01.2000 till now)

Interval inside the year (from 2 to 9 weeks)


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Data Catalogue

2025 © Space Monitoring Data Center
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University