Space Weather

SINP MSU Space Weather Analysis Center

Space Weather Analysis Centre of SINP MSU provides information about the current state of near-Earth's space. Information Services (SWX) on the website of the center provide access to current data describing the level of solar activity, geomagnetic and radiation state of the magnetosphere and the heliosphere in the real time. For data analysis, the models of the space environment, working in off-line as well as on-line mode have been implemented. Interactive services allow one to retrieve and analyze data in a given time moment. SWX is a flexible system for the analysis and forecasting of space weather in the near_Earth's space.

Vladimir Kalegaev, D.Sc., project leader

Irina Myagkova, PhD, senior researcher - scientific analysis and modeling

Julia Shugai, PhD, senior researcher - scientific analysis and modeling

Sergey Dolenko, PhD, senior researcher - adaptive methods of data prediction and analysis

Sergey Bobrovnikov, PhD, senior researcher - programming, database administration

Wera Barinova, junior researcher, senior programmer - programming

Liudmila Mukhametdinova, senior programmer - web-programming and 3D graphics

Vladimir Shiroky, student, programmer - web-programming

Oleg Barinov, PhD, senior programmer - hardware expert, programming

David Parunakian, junior researcher, programmer, system administraor

Dmitry Mottl, PhD - web-programming

Ekaterina Muravyeva, senior programmer - programming

Наши патенты:

Contact Information

Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Department of Space Science, Space Monitoring Data Center

1, b.58, Leninskie gory, Moscow, Russia (open in Google Maps)
Phone: 8(495)939-58-62
e-mail: smdc at sinp msu ru
2025 © Space Monitoring Data Center
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University