Space Weather

SINP MSU Space Monitoring Center Online Database

Measuring fluxes of charged particles at low-orbiting satellites combined with measurements in the solar wind are used to recover the main characteristics of the impact of solar activity on the Earth's radiation environment. Storage and processing of space experiments, in conjunction with the Internet access system, are the main components of the system of space monitoring.

Data Bases



The space monitoring data base contains measurements of domestic satellites since 1983. Coronas-I, Coronas-F, Cosmos-1686, Prognoz-9, Coronas-Foton, Meteor-3M, Mir space station (Rabin's and Griff's experiments), Tatjana, Tatjana-2 - here's a list of spacecrafts which have completed their mission and whose data is stored in the space monitoring data base. Now the data base continues to be filled up in line with the operational satellites connection timetable(Meteor-M №1, Electro-L №1). The relevant data from operational satellites can be accessed directly from this page. The satellite "Lomonosov", developed at the Moscow State University, is planed to be launched in the near future.

2025 © Space Monitoring Data Center
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Moscow State University