Data Visualisation and Analysis Tool allows you to build charts from data catalogue available at SINP MSU. It contains data from a number of satellites, ground measurements and model calculations.
To start using Data Visualisation and Analysis Tool open catalogue with button on bottom of the page. Select satellites (Stations in the left panel), instruments and channels. Put them on one or many charts (add axis if you need) and close catalogue.
Select interval using widget marked by icon on bottom of the page.
Choose appropriate resolution for plotting data using widget marked by icon on bottom of the page.
Plot data by pressing icon on bottom of the page.
You can customize charts selecting data from menu () and setting some data plotting options. Also you can choose height of the charts () and their layout ().
You can save your work in browser local storage or on disk (click on ) and load previously saved templates.
Use undo (click on ) redo (click on ) and erase (click on ) when editing.